sunday comics brought to you by the littlejohn children.
me to lucy: "lucy, i need to cut your finger nails, please come here."
lucy climbs up into my lap, and in the softest voice she whispers under her breath:
"oh, Lawrd have mercy, i hope she doesn't hurt me!!"
katie asked me recently, "mom, if the house was burning down, and i had a choice to save my siblings or save my Bible what do you think God would want me to do?"
i laughed (mother of the year, i know). katie, if it was me, i would let the bible burn to smithereens and rescue your siblings as fast as possible. she was appalled, "mom, i thought the bible was suppose to be the most important thing in our life!" i laughed (again), "the bible is NOT suppose to be the most important thing in our life. our love relationship with our God, who wrote and breathed the words of the Bible, is suppose to be the most important thing in our life. Bibles can be replaced. Your relationship with Jesus continues even if the Bible burns, but your siblings can not be replaced on this earth!!" She understood.
i laughed my head off at these. and i shared them with the family members who happened to be sitting around, who also got some giggles :) thanks for sharing!