Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Day of Celebration!!!

                             ( could we look any younger ? ;)

Determined to wake up each day and fight for the heart beat of our marriage.  It doesn't just happen.  It takes purposeful, deep, selfless, heart wrenching determination.

My dad always encourages couples he marries, to not just "stick it out" in marriage but "stick together" in marriage. There is a HUGE difference.  I am so blessed to have a husband, lover, best friend, beloved, whom desires to be together!

Here are the vows we spoke with our mouths, and have sworn to fulfill with our actions.  Not of our own strength and goodness, but with the never-ending, always accessible, flooding of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

"I enter into this covenant of marriage with you. I promise to love you, and to completely give myself and all that I have to you. I pledge to care for you in sickness or in health. I will honor and cherish you all the days of my life, whether our life circumstances are better or worse, our days sweet or sour, and whether we have plenty or are in want. I will purpose to live before you a life of faith and trust in Jesus Christ. If anything but death separates me from you, may the Lord deal with me ever so severely."

Here are my must reads on the topic of marriage:

For Men Only by Shaunti Feldhahn, Jeff Feldhahn
For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn
Love and Respect by Dr Emerson Eggerichs
Every Man's Battle by Stephen Arterburn
Every Woman's Battle by Shannon Ethridge
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas
Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman


  1. I love y'all!!! I clearly remember that cold beautiful day in Kansas 9 years ago!!! Your godly marriage is such an example! BTW, I LOVE those books! :) Happy Anniversary!

  2. glad to have your list :) you and mark have been such a great example and encouragement to me this last year. I am SO grateful for you.

    I'm reading Sacred Marriage now...and another book by Kevin Leman ("7 things he'll never tell you but you need to know")...I am learning so much right now...its a lot of fun...and scary too...and it makes me SO grateful that GOD created us and knows all our needs and that HE takes responsibility to meet our needs :)
