Monday, October 18, 2010

may i be excused to use the restroom?

rarely, rarely, am i alone in the bathroom.

someone is always in attendance with me.

this morning julia and lucy just sat on the toilet and watched me get ready for the day.  i pulled out the moisturizer and julia said, "what is that?"

i said, "it's special lotion for my face." 

"oh, it's because you are getting so old, right?"

"um, yeah. thanks, jules!"

the only way to be in the bathroom alone is to double lock myself in the bathroom. i lock my bedroom door, then i lock the bathroom door, and AH.... sweet silence!

i have had many conversations with you guys while locked in the bathroom.

i have cried many tears locked in the bathroom (sometimes motherhood is TOTALLY overwhelming)!

i wanted to lock myself in the bathroom this past week out of shear embarrassment.

we host bible study at our home once a week.  all 13 of the kids play outside and in the basement.  while we were in the middle of discussing our book, "Prodigal God" Lucy burst in the back door and announced loudly, "it is too long for us to be out here." i jumped out of my seat and picked her up, while i was carrying her outside she continued, " and it's too freakin' scary out here!" i almost fell over... ;) ;)

i am grateful that our home group laughed. 

" freakin' " is not mine or mark's filler word. we say, "oh, my stars!" and, "seriously?"  and "what the crap?" i will not reveal whom in our life uses this filler ;)

Happy Freakin' Monday,


  1. hahahahaha... lucy stories are the best :-)

  2. I feel ya, sister. I rarely have the door shut. We have a little step-stool in the bathroom so the girls can wash their hands, and typically one (or both) comes in and says "Momma, me sit" and then after I'm done with my business, I get a nice pat on the leg and "Good job, Momma!". They're so sweet - how could I send them away????

  3. I can't wait until she starts saying "What the crap!" :)

  4. dcjkk,
    that will be another funny day in the life of lucy littlejohn.
