Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stop, Drop, and Roll!

So I am a people person.  Technically word: extrovert.  When I was born I had six people waiting for me when I arrived home.  I grew up in a house where the motto was, " the more the merrier".  And we really lived liked that. My dad said he used to wake up and walk through the house counting heads to see all who was there.  The back door was always open, literally.  I left that house and married my also VERY extroverted husband, Mark.  We moved to MS to live in the middle of a camp ground where you were surrounded 24/7 by guests, campers, and staff.  You were rarely alone.  Then we went back to college, and by then we were expecting number 2 and we were a hopeless cause for a quiet, introverted, household. I am rarely alone. 

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment that I needed to go to all alone.  We live in the middle of no where, so the doctor is a 35 minute drive away.  I was so restless. I called all of my family on the drive there.  Waited alone in the quiet waiting room, then had lunch alone, and shopped at Target alone. All very nice.  But it is VERY hard to be alone when you are VERY used to company.  I enjoyed my time, but realized that I have lost the ability to be alone.  Which is probably not an altogether bad thing for this season of my life.  Someday I hope to find my alone-ness skills again. But for now I need people.

Speaking of people, we have some sweet friends staying with us this week.  They live in Cali, but are in VA for training.  We also have friends from MS who are traveling the East Coast and are going to have lunch with us today. (Pictures to come). People are the only eternal thing.  In order to spend quality time with our friends I have had to STOP and evaluate the busyness of our schedule, which seems to keep interfering, DROP a few of those "extra" curricular activities, and ROLL..... BE FLEXIBLE.  My parents are the epitome of flexible.  My Mom is the MOST hospitable person I know. I desire SO much to be like them in those ways. With that said, if you would like to see us, come on by.... If you would like to see my house, call and make an appointment! ;) Invest in some PEOPLE today.



  1. I love your "the more the merrier" attitude :-) It has allowed us to be included in many LJ family evenings!! Sounds like you have a full house and a busy week... have fun! Can't wait to hang with you this weekend.

  2. I just want you to know, I've been craving a BLT all week since your text!! ;)
    So creative, witty, and transparently honest you are! :) love you!! Is it May yet? ;)
