Monday, November 14, 2011

i hate the library.

let me restate that, i hate taking my children to the library.

we are flying single parent around here this week and i have been planning some fun "outings" to make the time pass faster.  today was the library. i need some books to read on our vacation next week (WHOOP-WHOOP) and the kids always enjoy getting a new book to look at.

i always forget how much i dislike taking my children to the library until we enter, and automatically we receive glares from the stone faced library attendant notifying us we are being WAY TOO LOUD. it just down spirals from there. Anderson believes books are to be pulled off from the shelf one at a time like a domino effect theory. lucy and julia pick books WAY above their age level and cry and whine when i tell them to put them back and find a new book. then i stress when the book isn't put back under the "CO" label that is placed on the book. so i try and put it back while Anderson, whom is standing behind is pulling them off the shelf. by blood pressure begins to rise. "mom, what about this book?" whines lucy. "mama, is dis book mine?" Anderson says as ten books hit the floor. "mmmoooommm, i can't find a book, all these books are baby books and they are stupid!" pouts julia. seriously, down spiral.

by about 5 minutes in and i am done. "grab your books we are going to the adult side for mama to pick up her book and then we are leaving, you guys are totally out of control!"

have you ever tried to carry a toddler who is carrying three over sized books in his arms? IMPOSSIBLE! INFURIATING!

while we tromp to the adult section each child drops their books and the whining and crying gets louder as the attendant glares sterner.

 i say the alphabet out loud like an idiot as i search for a the book i am hunting. "seriously, i know J comes after K where are the books that this author wrote?!" more book dropping, more book dispensing, and julia gently says, "mom, K comes AFTER J!"  "ugh. i hate the alphabet!" finally, i find the author but not the right book. so i try and think of another author. all while shshshing the children and picking up books and throwing them on random shelves.

"i am not leaving until i find a book for ME!"

i search in vain. stomp to the self checkout, while children fight to see who can scan theirs the fastest. the attendant alarm sounds and the stern faced librarian comes to "help" (ahem) rather "scorn" me.

 ten minutes after entering the library i grab my receipt, hit the handicap button on the door and run out of the library as fast as i can!!

* sigh* i hate the library. rather, i hate taking my children to the library.

maybe ten years from now we can return and i won't lose my mind ;)!

happy monday,

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