Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dr. (Squared) Mom

who needs a diploma, a pining ceremony, or a hooding ceremony?

i've decided that after starting my bachelors degree (in motherhood) sometime in late november of 2002. i have spent enough time in the clinic, done my fair share of rotations, i have done enough research and documentation, and by golly i sure have had ample time in the field... (twenty four hours a day for nine years straight with minimal vacation and sick leave). i should by all means be DOCTOR MOM! actually, i should have TWO doctorates. therefore, i should be dr. (squared) mom.... i can't figure out how to put the 2 beside the doctor :(

that is why i am allowed to have an educated opinion about breast vs bottle, back vs. belly, scheduled vs. non-scheduled, vaccination vs non-vaccination, clothe vs throw-a-way, obedience vs disobedience, time out vs spanking, thumb vs paci, homemade vs canned, sesame street vs barney.... etc..etc..

and just like doctors learn from their mistakes... so does this dr. mom!

and just like doctors need continuing education... so does this, dr. mom!

and just like doctors are valued and revered in their field of expertise... this doctor believes that mothers should be revered and valued in their areas of expertise.

i am NOT sitting at home eating bon-bons and watching soaps. i am molding and refining the character and values of human minds and souls. humans that someday your son or daughter might marry, or humans whom might take care of you in hospital, or be your president, or teach your child dance, or be your lawyer, or collect your taxes, or protect you and this country in war.... WHAT I DO IS VALUABLE!! i will not be deterred from my calling my the lure of money, or the false hope of financial security, or the beckoning of status, or trying to satisfy the insatiable calling of making a name for myself, or the lie that someone else can do it better than me.


I AM DR. (Squared) MOM..

And I am proud of it!!

~ dr. mom

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