Thursday, August 11, 2011

whose bed have your boots been under?

two posts in one day. i know..a miracle :)

obviously, schooling has been on the brain A LOT lately. many are curious as to why the sudden change in putting katie into a public school. i really don't feel like i need to or have to answer that question, right now. maybe someday... but not today.  what i DO think is cool is that when we started homeschooling katie four years ago something mark and i always said to one another, regarding our schooling choice was, "we take it one year, one child at a time. there is no "forever".  people always asked if i was going to home school "all the way through". my answer, "one year, one child at a time". not b/c we were indecisive, rather we felt like the situation could change at any time. what each child needed, what we needed as a family, or what i needed as the teacher could change from year to year.

people are passionate about education choices, and rightfully so. these are our children we are talking about. they deserve for us to be passionate about the choices we make on their behalf. but, i feel like each segment of education: home schoolers, private schoolers, public schoolers, want you to be on their "team". they want you to put your boots under their bed. which again isn't outlandish. we want people to validate our decisions especially when it concerns our parenting.  we gravitate towards people who make similar decisions. if we feel like the home school realm is judgmental towards ones decision to send kids to public school, why then would these two schools of thought agree to associate with one another? if the public school people thought that the home school and private school people were over protective, weird, controlling, lacking trust and faith people; again, why associate with someone who makes you feel guilty or ashamed?

*sigh* but for me, in just a few days i can say that i have experienced on some level all three of these educational realms. and that kind of thrills my heart :)  the unknown of the "big, bad, public, school" (this is a reference to past posts, i'm joking) will soon become known. i will be able to say WITH EXPERIENCE what i think about public school education. i will continue to homeschool julia, so WITH EXPERIENCE i can testify to what i think about home schooling, AND i spent 13 years in christian schooling, so i can WITH EXPERIENCE testify to what i think about christian schooling.

so don't mess with me, my boots aren't under any of y'alls beds :)!!.... or wait.... maybe my boots are under all of y'alls beds, and i am kind of scandalous like that. either way, i made my own bed, and i will sleep well in it tonight... with a really handsome fellow i might add...

happy schooling,
the school tramp :)


  1. WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL POST!!!!! Seriously Sarah--this is SPOT-ON!!! Go you! My only hope is that if nothing else, Katie will gain corn-rows in her hair from her public school experience. ;)

  2. And I say this from my own public school experience....oh yes I do.

  3. I went to the most Fabulous Christian Private school (with your honey) and I got corn-rows... they HURT:)

  4. Just getting a chance to catch up on your blogging! I love it all! I can completely relate to this post! We go with the one year, one kid at a time approach as well - you can NEVER know what the next year will bring or what your child will need in 9 months from now ... Kudos to you for being flexible - you are such a good Momma!
