Tuesday, August 2, 2011

there you are, sara..

i woke up this morning looked in the mirror and began to see bits and pieces of myself again. i smiled, i laughed, and i found something that looked familiar in a box labled "stuff". i enrolled my daughter in school, and walked away feeling excited for the first time in weeks.  i really kissed my husband last night before i went to bed, like on of those good, lingering kisses like: "i have no where else to be, and nothing else is on my mind except this kiss" kiss. it had been awhile ;) i came to visit and talk with my mom today. i watched her laugh hysterically at my son, and tickle my daughter. that felt great!!

i am going to the grocery store today and that will feel oddly comforting. i will cook a real meal tonight and that will help ease the guilt of the awful way we have been eating for the last month. i will unpack some boxes and that will make me feel like i am settling. i will cuddle with my children and listen the words coming out their mouths instead of being completly distracted and distant from them.  and soon, hopefully in no time at all, i will return stronger, wiser, kinder, more grace filled, than who i was before this move began.

i am sorry for my harsh unkind words from me the other day. forgive that sweet lady, she was sick, exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed, grieving, disillusioned, discouraged, and honestly, it wasn't me.

but i am on the horizon of making a grand return...

see you soon,
p.s. feel free to leave all sorts of comments. verses or no verses.. i will not curse at you :)!

1 comment:

  1. HOORAYYYYYY for a great day!!!!! And for being able to comment.... it was KILLING me! ;P I have been on my knees for y'all, sweet friend!! I cannot wait to read all about your KS adventures!!! LOve you lots!!!
