Friday, August 12, 2011

no child left behind...(part 2)

the bean.

julia and i are more a like then we are different. julia complained yesterday b/c we had just been running around all week long and had hardly been at home. she is my home body. she might live with us until she is so persuaded by love or money to move out :) and that's fine with me.  julia also struggles with fear. the move has brought to the surface lots of fears. she has had LOTS of night meres, therefore lots of sleep-overs on a pallet in our room. she shakes and can not stop until she is totally settled. she sleep walks and runs into walls... she cries and cries, until every fear subsides. if you have been reading for any length of time you know i just walked through a LOOONNGGG battle with my own fears. my own battle has helped immensely in helping julia work through the lies that are underlying her fear.  julia has also been struggling with lying.. the two are TOTALLY connected. the foundation of fear is lies. lies that the devil feeds us over and over again until they replace truth in our hearts. our hearts are the well spring of life. from it flows every decision, word, and action. it makes complete sense to me that julia is struggling with fear AND lying. through a series of serious talks i have tried to help julia connect the two. julia was convinced that my absence meant that she could make up stories b/c neither myself or mark would catch her. i am sure we missed a few lies along the way, but we very strongly communicated to her the one who doesn't miss the lies, AND the ONLY one who can truly comfort her fears, and help her break free from the bondage that fear brings.

there is never a dull moment with kids! they are constantly learning and putting into practice the good and the bad. their hearts have to be exposed even to their own set of eyes. julia never would of connected the fear and the lying on her own, and until about a year ago i would not have connected them either. it is only by the grace of God that their is ANYTHING good that comes from our evil hearts. i crack up when i hear people say that we come into the world mostly good. obviously, these people don't have enough children :) we are all plagued by a sin condition that can only be healed by the touch of the Master. it's not fun having the sin in our own hearts or the hearts of our children exposed, but the wonderful, merciful, part is is that their is an answer. a God who forgives, and forgives, and forgives, and replaces our sin condition with the  precious blood of the cross and HIS righteousness....


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