Thursday, March 31, 2011

a marriage worth celebrating..

as a daughter; when i was a little girl, when i was a drama queen filled teenager, when i became a young woman, and then when i became a wife, i had the privilege of the watching the following.

when you watch two people joyfully juggle the intense responsibilities of raising 5 children, ministering to a church body through sacrifice, service, and sympathy.. and endlessly remaining faithful to their God and to each other above all else...

when you watch two people stir up love in one another by a single touch, a single look, a single word...

when you watch two people actively pursue a marriage that reflects Jesus...

when you watch two people counsel and marry numerous couples year, after year, after year....

when you watch two people openly work through conflict and disagreement...

when you watch two people laugh their way to a better marriage...

when you watch two people lay down their lives for each other...

when you watch two people run to the rescue of one another...

when you watch two people happily walk through daily routines with each other..

when you watch two people fulfill their covenant vows to one another while dancing through times of joy, peace, love, conflict, sadness,  heart ache, health, and sickness...

when you watch two people expectantly soak in life experiences TOGETHER, hand in hand, cheek to cheek, for 38 years....THEY ARE TO BE CELEBRATED!!

today my mom and dad celebrate 38 years of marriage.

when a child gets to watch her parents not just, "stick it out", but rather "stick together like glue" for 38 years, the implications for her own heart and her own marriage can NEVER be measured! besides my parents giving me the gift of siblings, my parents ALSO gave me this intangible gift of having a great marriage. a great marriage worth imitating and celebrating.

wedding days get all the glory. when really all you have done is survived the wedding planning. anniversaries should be celebrated more intensely b/c it means you have survived marriage :)

mom and dad, thank you for loving each other, not giving up on one another, holding each other close on sweet days and on sour days. i am the wife that i am, b/c i was unbelievably blessed through witnessing your marriage, your love for one another, and your utter dependence on Jesus to see you through.

i celebrate you BOTH today, and your SWEET, SWEET, marriage!

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