Monday, March 14, 2011

Countdown to 2! (Journey of Anderson) Part 2.... Sonogram Day!

it was sonogram day!

mark and i made a date out of it, (when you are parents you take every opportunity for a date).. we were so excited. but in a nervous kind of way. were we going to have an Anderson Joshua Littlejohn or a Myra Anderson Littlejohn??

before EVERY sonogram we had ever had mark and i always took time to pray in the car.. telling the Lord that whatever He had for us we were willing to accept. that meant boy/girl... special needs or no special needs. one baby or two babies... whatever that sonographer revealed, we took from the very hand of the Lord.. b/c He tells us in His word that HE and HE alone knits His creation together in our wombs.. this is so comforting to me.

i laid down on the not very comfortable sonogram bed, and the very not friendly sonographer came in and started covering my belly in goo... for those whom have never had a baby sonogram they typically do a 10-15 minute search of the baby.. clicking around quietly and every once in awhile showing you different things and measuring different chambers and limbs.. then they let the anticipation build up and the "big reveal" is last. it is SO hard to focus during the first 10-15 minutes because all you are doing is trying to identify female and male parts. each secretly thinking to himself/herself, "oh, that was definitely a penis.. oh wait, no maybe that's a vagina! i just wish they'd hurry up and tell me!!!" so mark and i settled in for the 10-15 minute guessing game. the sonographer laid the wand on my belly and not even 30 seconds later she blurted our, "well, we certainly have a boy floating around in here!!" mark and i both bursted out laughing and said, "WHAT?!" we were totally unprepared and caught off guard. i saw nothing that looked like a penis on the screen. the sonographer looked like a deer in the head lights... she said, "oh, no you didn't want to know?! i totally forgot to ask! i am so, so sorry!" we convinced her that yes, in fact we did want to know, but we wanted to know if she was SURE it was a boy... everything calmed down a bit and she slid the wand over my belly and very convincingly showed us that it was in fact it was a boy... silence. i looked over at mark and his eyes were glistening with tears. i am pretty sure he almost fainted. once, i saw him crying... i cried. A BOY BABY. what in the world was this going to be like?

we couldn't even hardly speak to each other when we got in the car... but immediately we bowed our heads and thanked God for blessing us with the desire of our hearts; a boy.

i thought i was going to be able to keep our little child's sex a secret... but not 24 hours later i was literally busting at the seams to tell our family and friends. mark, conceded... although, he really was going to wait!

on november 6th, 2008 i wrote this mass email and sent it out:

Hey Everybody,

My Mom and Dad told me that I could send out my very first email. I know many of you are anxious about whether I am a boy or a girl. Truth is I am not so worried. I know exactly what I am. My Mom is having a very hard time not sharing the news about what I am and my Dad has given her permission to tell people.  She says that good news is not so good when you can’t tell the world. You see I am very excited to announce to the world that I in fact am a BOY! You read it right, Mom and Dad actually made a boy. My name is Anderson Joshua. Anderson is my Poppo’s mom’s maiden name, also my Uncle Zachy’s middle name. Joshua was my uncle’s name. I hear lots of female voices outside of mom’s belly. She just keeps rubbing her belly and saying, “Oh, Anderson.” Wonder what she means…

Don’t tell Mom, but I can hear Dad’s motorcycle and I fully intend on getting a ride on one someday. ;)
 Well, I think that's all I need to say for now. Can't wait to meet everyone!

it was a really special day. with a really special "birth" day four months later!!
(to be continued!)  ~s

First Picture!

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