Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone...

such a sweet weekend was just had.  the benefit of deep, mutual, real, community and friendship could never have a value placed on it. it is altogether surprising how relationships here on earth hold glimpses of eternal heaven. but it shouldn't be surprising, because if our God is anything; He is relational.  And He told us the two greatest commands were to love your God and love others. one is incomplete and empty without the other. it's NOT first figure out how to love God, then work on loving others, it's a simultaneous happening.

i pray that my children will understand and take hold of the beauty of friendships and community. i hope they understand and are alert of the destruction and danger of isolation. i hope they learn to love well and without reservation. i hope above ALL else their relationship with God, and their relationships with others trump any other "thing" that is pulling for their attention, time, or loyalty.

i pray this for them because again and again friendships, relationships, and community have been used in my life to reveal our great God in such a tangible way it startles me and takes breath away.

jeff and amy, thank you is hardly sufficient!

here is to more sunshine in all of our lives!
p.s. now we are gearing up for our road trip to SC to see the one and only Gundy family! It will just be another weekend full of "sunshine" for our souls!! ;)

some pics from the weekend.

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