Friday, January 13, 2012

In Other News:

julia lost her first tooth this week... *SOB* something about that means that she is shedding all things baby, toddler, preschool, and moving forward... obviously, she is 6 so she should, but still it always makes me catch my breath and realize how fast the years are flying by.

speaking of years, anderson is already dreaming up his THIRD birthday party; trains, cakes, and more trains are on the menu thus far.

we had our first dusting of the year... the kids were thrilled to actually see the white stuff i'd been telling them about. we are ready for a real dumping.

with snow in the air we have been using our fireplace a lot. did i tell you we have a fireplace? it's been one of those things i've always dreamed of having in a house. we had one in the house i grew up in. i just LOVE it.

after 9 years of living in southern-ish states our skin is feeling the effects of dry, cold air. between handling raw meat, wiping poop bottoms, mopping up spills of sticky juices, and any other number of nasty things my hands get into, i wash my hands A LOT...  so i have been using just a dab of olive oil to keep my skin moist. it's A.MAZING!

speaking of olive oil... if you live in the kansas city area you MUST visit The Tasteful Olive not only because the owners are the most wonderfully, sweet people you'll ever meet (we are a little bias), but everything they sell is A.MAZING! stop reading and GO VISIT!

well, that's enough random for now!

hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

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