Tuesday, January 4, 2011

i miss you shaylin marie!

we were destined to be friends from birth!

you had hair, i had none.

i never feared being alone... b/c we were always together.

we had each other through thick and thin. awkward and confident. 
(the below is awkward! :)

i can not tell you how much i miss your face. your voice. your laughter. your ways.

today you stroll the streets of gold in the presence of the Almighty God. i am jealous.

glad that when i journey to see Him i will not be alone. once again, we will be together. and i will have nothing to fear!



  1. i LOVE that last photo...can you email it pleeeeeease???? you always have the way with words...this post is no exception. LOVE.

    and i'm jealous too....

  2. OH, such a beautiful note! What a joyous reunion we shall have! :)
