Monday, November 22, 2010

WHEW! I am so glad that is over!

tons of vomit and other bodily fluids, endless loads of laundry, TV marathon, groans and moans, tears, and a living room turned into a make-shift infirmary. the last time we had the stomach bug was christmas of 2007. it is miserable. i hope it's another 3 years before it rears it's ugly head again. 

funny statements were still to be found amongst the misery.

lucy to me, while she was on all fours,"mama, i don't know how to throw up...*insert vomit*!" mark to lucy: "baby, you don't have to know how to throw just happens!"

katie to me: "mama, i threw up and i was calling for you but you didn't hear me, so i just put myself back to bed...!" me to katie: sweetie, i am so sorry... i was up all night with lucy and anderson, and i must have gone comatose!"

3 AM, mark to sara. after having spent four hours cleaning up after lucy and anderson, who were simultaneously throwing up: "this is what memories are made of, babe!"

now that we have this behind us (no pun intended) we are looking forward to a great thanksgiving week with my brother, Zach, Larry, Jere', and cousin Amy. late night games, anderson's first hair cut, bike rides, late night chats, cooking, and hopefully some eating :)

                                         uncle zach and aj
happy monday!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. We're going through this bug now and I remembered reading your post. However, my wife and I were struck too and my wife ended up in the hospital because she couldn't keep her normal meds down, leaving me to deal with four puking kids while barfing myself. Awesome times.
