Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Marriage Part One:The Great Sacrifice

Mark and I attended the CCEF marriage conference over the weekend.  Honestly, I am not really ready to put into words our experience. One, because I am afraid my words will not do it justice. Two, I am still letting all that happened penetrate to my core and settle before I speak about it. But don't worry, I have every intention of sharing about this powerful and humbling weekend.

Weekends like this just don't happen.  There has to be much planning, budgeting, and sacrifice. All of our friends who typically take care of our kids in our absence were all attending the marriage conference, so we were on the hunt for someone to watch our most precious treasures. Our friend, Jenny Ozborn,came to mind. She has been apart of our lives for a long time. We met at camp in French Camp MS, and our respect and love for her has just continued to grow.  She took on a weekend like this 2 years ago when we just had 3 girls and one boy in utero. So, it was a natural choice to at least ask Jenny. Jenny lives in MS as a pediatric oncology/hematology nurse, and basically minored in camp and camp programming :) Who better to care of our kids? Jenny willingly rearranged her schedule, her life, her time, and her budget to come and take care of our kids. S.A.C.R.I.F.I.C.E. Jenny, your sacrifice allowed Mark and me to go experience one of the most special weekends in all of our marriage. You know how grateful we are for you!

My sister asked me yesterday, "Was it worth it?" She, knowing all the time, money, energy, planning, etc that went into it..... I said, " Absolutely, I would do it over and over again," and I plan on it.

It's not easy to carve out time to put our marriages first. Sometimes, especially when kids are in the equation, we justify our lack of action and sacrifice because of them. Let me encourage you, whatever it takes to find your spouse amongst the craziness of this life, DO IT.... you'll never regret it. 

Here are some on the pictures of the kids and their super-duper,sugar-free, craft-blasted, spoiled-filled weekend!

Thanks Jenny! All of our love.


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