Wednesday, August 29, 2012

prayers for the incredible to be revealed!!

if you didn't know it already i am a huge, huge, huge, fan of Beth Moore. i have walked through many of her bible studies and each time i am profoundly changed.  this spring i was able to attend my first Beth Moore conference with my sister and two sweet friends. we have a bible study together and we were studying, "Jesus The One And Only". it was such a fantastic weekend of worship and the word. there were SO many things that jumped out and slapped me that weekend, but one thing in particular hasn't let go of me since then. Beth encouraged us to pray that the Lord would reveal to us the incredible beings that are all wrapped up in our husbands. she didn't ask that tongue and check.. she asked it knowing that our husbands are crippled lambs on a journey, just like us. she asked it knowing that we all married a slice of imperfection, just like us. she asked it knowing that sometimes the mundane can blur the incredible. she asked it knowing that our hollywood ideas of what husbands should be can be sorely unrealistic and perverted. she asked it knowing that we as women can get so caught up in the daily grind of running our families that we overlook the incredible in our husbands.

when we begin to ask God to reveal the incredible that encompasses our husband we are drawn to look at him closer and through a different lens.

sometimes we need to put down our microscope which zooms in on the imperfect and lacking categories and embrace all the daily and intimate things that make our husbands incredible.

almost 11 years ago i married INCREDIBLE!  and over the past 6 months, as i prayed that the Lord would reveal the incredible i was missing, he undoubtedly did. from the little things, like the faithful way Mark gets up and goes to work five days a week. or the way he comes home and jumps right into the middle of the crazy dinner hour and helps me cook. or the patient and fun way he tucks the kids into bed and lingers just a little bit longer than i do to make sure everyone calms down. his sweet texts throughout the day to simply touch base, and his phone call at 4:38pm everyday to tell me he is on his way home.

these small things are HUGE as we share in this dance we call marriage.

the area that i have seen mark's "incredible" really jump out is his unwavering love for myself, my family, and my mom during this season of intense grief. loving someone who is in the throes of grief is extremely, extremely, difficult. sometimes it's like loving a limp noodle. but mark has pursued me, (run after me with intensity) he has refused to let me sink into the quick sand of depression. he has fought for me, when i couldn't. he has calmed me, when i was a chaotic storm. he has helped me laugh, when tears were choking me. he has tipped the scales and taken on a lot of my daily duties with the kids to lighten my load. he has been love, when i have been anger. he has reminded me to get some Jesus, when the demons seem to be swarming. he has been sanity, while i was writing my own admit papers to the funny farm. he has been steady, while i have been freakishly inconsistent. he has been incredible. incredible. incredible.

i pray today that your husband's incredible will smack you across the face and you will see him for who he is, really is...incredible!


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