Monday, May 7, 2012

Living In The Storm: The Birthday Book

Tomorrow, this beautiful woman I call Mom turns 67 years young ;)


We are getting fuzzy. Her very own flesh and blood is fading in the intricate connections of her brain.  We knew it was coming, we have seen the signs for awhile.  This look in her eyes when she just can't seem to place you.  The details are gone.  On good days our names will come, on bad days our names don't fall off her lips. She has asked for a book with our pictures and our names so she can study them. She knows we are slipping away and she is grasping for a means to hold on. We will give her whatever she wants so she can hold on. I am even willing to be Zach if that helps her hold ;)

I will make her this book.

It will be similar to the following, maybe less words because long winded things bug her...

But the facts will remain. We are all hers, each and everyone of us connected to her in body and soul. While we might fade from her memory, when the layers are pulled back and she is made whole we will ALL be there protected in her heart where a wife, a mother, a mother-in-law, a Grammy, a daughter, a daughter-in-law, a sister, a sister-in-law, an aunt, a cousin, a mentor, and a friend, stores treasured data for all time.

Happy Birthday to a woman who will be celebrated for all time!

This is your husband, Clint. You have been married for 39 years.  He is crazy about you.  He always has been. You have always been best friends. You are "the woman" behind the man. He has long sought out your company, your advice, your wisdom, your cooking. You are his.

  This is your first born son, Jonathan  When the rest of the world told you to give up on him you begged the Lord to save him.  God heard your prayers and spared his life.  He loves you. He is strong headed like you. :)  He cares for you so gently and has been your companion for many, many years. He carries with him your love for a full house and a party at any given time.

This is your first born daughter, Joanna.  She is married to Matt.  Joanna earned your devotion and trust many years ago.  You trust her. Her strength and determination puts you at ease in moments of crisis and calm. You look to her to steer you through. She loves you. She speaks truth just like you do. :) She carries with her your love for all things holiday.

This is your second born son, Andrew. He is married to Liisa. He loves you. He made you earn your parent badge. :) He is so unbelievably loyal to you. He has carried on your spirit of adventure and always wanting to find that next get-a-way! He traveled the world, but he came home... home to you. He warms up a room just like you do.

 This is your third born son, Zach. He is not married and for some *expletive* reason you won't let him forget that. :)  He loves you. He too came home to be with you. He gets away with murder. You always look the other way and just laugh.  He brings much joy to you.  He carries with him your sassy.

This is your second born, and last daughter, Sara.  She is married to Mark.  She too came home because she couldn't imagine herself any where else right now. She loves you.  She carries on your fertility gene. :) Your sensitivity to people, the Holy Spirit, and life in general has taught her so much.  

These are your grand children; Katie, Julia, Megan, Lucy, Lizzie, Anderson, and Jaxon. Each of them carries their Grammy in their heart. Whether they will have lots of memories or just a few, you touched them. You raised their parents. You have loved them well!

You have left a legacy we will never, never forget!


  1. brought smiles and tears and many a instant memory.

  2. So beautiful and moving. Saying prayers for all of y'all. Very grateful for your openness and love!!

  3. Hall ways always...I love this family.

  4. Loved reading this.
