Monday, October 3, 2011

30 years gone by!!

so the house is totally silent on this my 30th birthday. i have exactly 15 minutes before the children and guests wake up from their sleep... EEEKKK! not hardly enough time to recap my thoughts and feelings about turning 30.

we have a had a weekend FILLED with celebration. and a whole other week in front of us filled with more parties and special events... i feel incredibly blessed and incredibly special!!

for me, these past few weeks have been a culmination of family and friends that God has so abundantly given me over 30 years. getting to be in kansas for my 30th birthday, hug my parents and siblings, AND have chris and dave, here is too much :) i am just grinning from ear to ear.

to sum it up, relationships are deeply important to me, they have been for 30 years. being in community and connecting with other people; near or far, young or old, is VITAL to my heart. relationships are glimpses of glory. they are the only thing eternal. and i stand in awe of the relationships that 30 years has produced.

joy fills this 30 year old heart of mine today!

enjoy the pictures of the murder mystery event, it was TOTALLY RAD!


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