Thursday, October 6, 2011

for this i am thankful..

i was reminded today by an old journal entry that one year ago this week i was beginning to move my way out of my severe bondage to fear. my freedom from being held captive, began after working my way through one of the most powerful bible studies i've ever gone through, "breaking free" by beth moore. obviously, it was through the power of God's word and the intervention of the Holy Spirit that i broke free from these chains. what i learned from those 3 1/2 years of heart ache and unbelievable struggle, was that we have not been called to a life of bondage, but a life of freedom founded in truth. bondage begins with believing lies. lies about ourselves, our God, and our circumstances. lies then grow into deep rooted captivity that build up around us like four walls. the walls bring isolation, and the isolation begins to suffocate life out of our souls. we are left numb and bleeding. i know so many of you, my readers are hurting today. are being held captive by something. i pray that you will equip yourself with the tools you need to begin to break down those walls of captivity around you. that you might be swallowed up by the freedom that God offers when we fill ourselves with truth and stop believing the lies. 

there is more hope than you can imagine!! there is more life giving moments than your heart can hold!!  there is joy to be found. a dance to be danced. a song to be sung. worship and praise to offer to a God who does not leave us in captivity, but has come to set us FREE!!

be blessed today friends!

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