Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Please Flush Your Poop

I am not sure what it is about my children and having a bowel movement, but for some reason everyone forgets to flush their poop. In our house we have a toilet rule (mainly stemming from our desire to curb the outrageous water bills we received in King George), "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down!" For realz, I do not under any situation want to enter the bathroom and find your marinated bowels. So if you come to visit and you hear me yelling, "please flush your poop!" you will have a little insight into the particulars of our home.

However, the more I pondered this little statement the more and more I realized that this is the exact problem with the American church, Christians in general, who am I kidding? the problem with ME!  We,(I) run around insisting thru legalism and traditionalism that people please flush their poop before they come into relationship with me. We,(I)  ask them to dress up their weaknesses with religious costumes hidden behind the acceptable, "I've got it altogether and I am just fine" Sunday School answers. It is been ingrained in us to deflect and run from the uncomfortable and painful stench of brokenness. Rather, we want to embrace the false advertising of the church well dressed. Jerry Bridges says in book, Respectable Sins, that the American church looks way too good to be real. We like our congregations to look well kept, smelling good, full of quietly behaved children, collard shirts tucked in and everything. But who are we kidding? Underneath the disguise of the perfume we are all marinated bowel movements putting off such a wretched stench that only a Redeemer with the perfect, cleansing, power of the blood He shed on the cross can make all things new.

So here is to teaching my children to literally flush their poop
And for me, learning not to run from my own!


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