Friday, February 10, 2012

a MUST read!

since the title of this blog is lj life and LITERATURE, today i am going to highly recommend two books we have been reading, applying, and LOVING the results! these two books have contributed to some MAJOR life changes for us. the plan is really so simple; eat fruits, vegetables, meat, and small amounts of dairy. no wheat, no grains, no oats, no pasta, no rice, nothing processed, nothing that comes out of a can or a plastic wrapping. everything in it's most natural state... and organic when the budget allows. ;)

the author's approach is not crazy or super stringent. we "cheat" in moderation. we eat A LOT of food. we don't feel neglected or wanting in ANY WAY!! this morning we had eggs, bacon, and avocados for breakfast. last night for dinner we had coconut chicken strips, parmesan asparagus, and tons of veggies. and this weekend we will feast on some of our 153 pounds of grass fed cow.

we don't work out 6 days a week. we walk, we sprint once a week, we lift heavy things, (like our 30 pound son), and we have fun wrestling with our children on the living room floor.

we are loving seeing the physical changes, but more so, we love seeing an overhaul in the way we feel, think,  and approach food.

what do you have to lose? just read the book and give it a try!

the first book is "The Primal Blue Print" by Mark Sission. (Disclaimer, we aren't in total agreement with Mark on his view of how the world came into being, but if you know us, you knew that!)

the second is a recipe book written by a friend of Andrew's, Diane Frampton. i actually met diane while in boston. she's fantastic! (from the 30 seconds i spent with her ;) her recipes are super easy to follow and DELISH!

both books can be found on amazon.
so here's to trying something different! you are worth it!

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