Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Greatest Lie Pastors Must Silence For Their Kids

When I walk into a new church, I immediately try and make visual contact with the pastor's kids, and NOT for the reasons other congregants try and pick out the pastor's kids. I try and find the pastor's kids because I want to see their faces, take a mental pictures of them (in a non-stalker like way ;) and begin to pray prayers of protection over them. I have the absolute biggest and most tender heart for pastor's kids, because I am one.

Thirty three years of surviving tried and true "PK jokes" with predictions of my rebellion and scandal waiting at the punch line. It would just be best if no one ever told another "pastor's kid" joke. EVER.

There are often deep waters of insecurity, panic and indifference pulsing through the hearts of a pastor's kids. There are unspoken standards, many in the church, try and presume on the life of pastor's kids. And when pastor's kids are unprotected by their parents, from these pressures, lies begin to seep through to the inner chamber of their souls and take root.

Here is the SINGLE greatest lie pastors must silence for their kids, in an attempt to circle the wagons around their eternally, impressionable hearts.

Lie: The church and her members are more important than your mother and you.

My heart threatens to burst into a million pieces anytime I see pastor's kids suffering from this despicable lie. Unfortunately, for many in full time ministry, this lie, in all actuality, is the truth being written in our pastor's homes. Pastor's kids are more damaged by the reality that their dad is having an affair with the church and all her alluring ways, then any other pseudo reasons one might want to derive. Pastors, YOUR GREATEST ministry is your marriage and your children!! The best sermon you will EVER preach is faithfully and passionately loving your wife. The kryptonite to bitter, broken, pastor's kids who choose rebellion and scandal, is the CONSISTENT message in word and deed to them "YOU WIN! My ministry to you is more important then my ministry to the church and her members."

Pastors, if your church, church members and church leadership do not value your marriage and your ministry to your children, ABOVE your ministry to the church; RUN, do not walk out of that church.

Church leaders, if you do not value your pastor's marriage and your pastor's ministry to his kids, ABOVE his ministry to you and the church, you are allowing a foot hold for the devil in the destruction of a family, and ultimately the destruction of a church body.

With tears streaming down my face, I have witnessed this destruction far too many times.

It doesn't have to be this way!! By the grace of God, I am the daughter of a pastor who CHOSE ME! Who chose my mother, my siblings, and our family above the white noise of full time ministry. Pastor's marriages and pastor's kids hearts, do not have to be the collateral damage of seminary degrees and pastoral robes. When a pastor's full time ministry is his marriage and children, the church will benefit from the sweet aroma of joy filling the pulpit and the pew.

Oh friends, we must be fierce in fighting to protect such sacred places and spaces. There are so many hearts at stake when this lie is allowed breathing room and false validation in our churches. The church is constantly under attack, and our pastors, their marriages, and their families are often the first victims Satan picks off.

I am card carrier of a unique club, "pastor's kid; unscathed." There is so much beauty and redemption when a pastor is given the freedom to pursue his first loves; his wife and children.

Now go on and be a voice seeking to cherish and protect such sweetness!!

~Sara, a pastor's kid

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