Monday, April 1, 2013

The Peeping Peep (flashback)

Journal Entry from April 2010 (before I was blogging)

Easter is not Easter without a peep.  While, I think they are quite gross, Easter is not complete without a peep at least making an appearance in a Fry (my mother's maiden name) home.  You might as well kiss your family genes goodbye if you pass by the peep section at Wal-mart and don't pick up a few :)  Thankfully, the peeps came to me this year in the mail (thanks Grandma and Grandy!)

While, Easter is the celebration of the risen Lord, Satan prowls around homes on Easter morning simply looking to destroy the celebration!

Example 1:
Easter is incomplete without a few break downs in morning as we are getting in our "Easter best".  The children can absolutely adore their outfits a short 12 hours before the clock strikes "Easter!"  But for some reason (the devil himself) by Easter morning everyone is put-off by their hideous outfits and they want to wear jeans and t-shirts instead.  The clothes battle is one I refuse to fight because I don't think it's a moral issue, rather a preference of mine that my children look the way I think they should look.  Pretty selfish at the core, right? So when the melt-downs began I automatically laid down and said, "whatever you want to wear, I am not having this argument!" To my surprise, everyone did end up returning to their Easter best before we left for church, even Mark! ;)

Example 2:
I also learned a few years ago that the devil himself waits in my camera on Easter morning. Us moms are somehow inclined to take a quick photo before we run out the door because everyone looks so cute... BAD IDEA!!! That camera comes out and it all goes to hell in a hand basket. Tears, frowns, sobs "I want a chocolate egg!", more tears, etc..etc. I know you are laughing moms because you guys tried this yesterday morning and you were late to church as a result!!! ;0 This is why there are no pictures of the Littlejohn crew dressed in their Easter clothes.  Haven't you seen enough pictures of my kids?!

Even after the melt downs, the lack of pictures, a late start to the church place, the message of the sweet resurrection was not lost. During the sermon, Julia drew a picture for me.  Isn't it great?

 The best part for me was the huge smile of Jesus' face as He left the tomb.  That is exactly what the scripture tells us about Easter...Hebrews 12:2b "who for the JOY set before Him, He endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of God the Father." That word JOY gives me the goose bumps. Obviously, the excruciating pain on the cross was not where the joy was found, but rather the JOY was the redemption of our souls.  "It is finished!" was the joy. The reconciliation of our heart to His was the JOY!! At long last, sin was crushed and life was now our's to live.

Hallelujah, what a Savior!!

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