Thursday, December 8, 2011

Has Lucy Lost Her Goosey?

in the recent weeks i have been very concerned that our third born girl was beginning to lose one of the things i most love about her, her goosey-ness. if you know our Lu-Lu you know that her eyes convey all of goosey-ness. for a while i worried that she didn't even know that a world existed outside of her own little "lucy life". she has always been very unaffected by outside sources. never one to cling to me and mark. never one to be upset by changing circumstances, or concerned with the details.... that is until now. all of the sudden lucy has an opinion. she is so detailed orientated that i am having flash backs to katie. she is so on top of things she is putting her older sisters to shame. she is being so responsible that i've had to do double takes. she has been so assertive with her needs and hurts that i've been a bit startled.  then after really being excited that she was "coming into her own" i got sad, really sad... where is my goosey lucy? the girl notorious for her one liners, her carefree, wild, little lucy spirit... so, i mentioned it to mark and we began to watch a little closer. and while she in fact has grown in so many ways, we have observed that our little lucy goosey is still very much alive. just yesterday she and anderson were chasing each other and laughing so hard they both peed their pants...HILARIOUS! she still comes up with the best one liners, doesn't look at the camera when it's time to take a picture, and still has moments of complete unawareness to the world around her...

so no fear my dear lucy fans... lucy has definitely not lost her goosey!


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