Friday, September 5, 2014

Dear French Camp, Revisited.....

One of the most profound quotes on my life is a quote by Jim Elliott, "Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God."

Hmmm..hmmm..hmmm. DELICIOUS!

Because we have been given the sweet opportunity to live in 7 different communities in the last 13 years, this quote should have been my theme song, and yes, you guessed it, should be tattooed to my body! :)

When you are thousands of miles away from your "home" there is a temptation to despair in the "what ifs, and if onlys." "If only we were home for the holidays. If only we could just hop in the car and drive to dad's. If only we were back in THAT church. If only THIS school did it like THAT school. If only our friends were like THOSE friends. What if we lived closer to home? What if we lived closer to so-and-so?" Joining yourself to a new community is by far one of the hardest relationship minefields we are called to.

It took several swings and misses, but I feel like I am finally beginning to understand how to intertwine myself into a new place. My secret; BE ALL THERE!! Jump! Both feet in! Don't hesitate! The longer you stand on the sidelines and watch, the longer your heart is able to breed discontentment and isolation. And I believe whole hardheartedly, that isolation is the gateway to bitterness, depression, and deep, deep struggle. When we think we are all alone waging war on the lies that seek to fill our hearts, it is nearly impossible to mute those lies without an army of people feeding us truth.

Bottom line; FIND YOUR PEOPLE!! I don't care if you are deployed for 6 months, or moving some where for 60 years, FIND YOUR PEOPLE. Join that Mama's Morning Out, attend that community wide BBQ, hit up the local city-wide pub crawl, visit that new church, conquer that WOD at that awesome cross fit gym. Take a chance and go to that life group you've been invited too. Or even better.... MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS! (Good news for me, all my neighbors have had background checks and fingerprints taken. I think they are safe enough. Except those ladies across the street... sketchy :)

The only thing eternal that is coming with us from this life to the next, is RELATIONSHIPS! Not that beautiful home, not those mad soccer skills, not that bank account, not that chiseled body, not that gorgeous new sanctuary, not that seminary degree, not that congregation, not that PHD, not that business...NONE.OF.IT.


This last year, Mark and I have desired to be all here in French Camp. I'm not going to lie, it's not been as easy as I anticipated. But it has been far, far, richer than I could have ever dreamed!

When our family and friends "sent us off" to Mississippi, they repeatedly prayed for us and over us, that the Lord would use us WHEREVER we were planted. My dad wrote this in his goodbye letter, "Believe it or not, I am relieved that God is calling you to Mississippi and not to Madagascar at this time in your lives. This book (Unfinished) is a great reminder of what all of us are to be about doing wherever God sends us. You guys are a great "kingdom family" so go with my blessing and "let your light shine for all the world to see!" I love you, Dad

Side note: write your children letters! They will carry them with them for the rest of their lives.


My dad lives out the beautiful and powerful "light" of being in constant relationship. I promise, five minutes in the man's presence and he will instantly become "YOUR PEOPLE"..

This community of French Camp, has captured our hearts and y'all have become "OUR PEOPLE"
Our hearts are FOR the people of this community!

I spent this last school year on the PTO of FCE and let me tell you, these people and their stories are becoming our people and our stories.

We've talked before about how French Camp can be a complicated beast of a place. The peanut butter and jelly of this town often intersects in beautifully-messy and strategically-stretching ways. But for real, I feel like I am drinking in gallons of hope.

Let me tell you about a little brick building that is about to burst forth and let its' light shine. Let me tell you about a camp of the french, that while seemingly is Mayberry-esque from the outside, has scars, wounds and needs just like every other town in this world. Let me tell you about a conversation where pew- warming is transformed into people-pouring. Let me tell you what God is doing in this town!

Bricks is her name,
Relationships are her game.
A safe place is her goal,
Community involvement is the pull.

The Bricks Family, would LOVE to come in person and tell you ALL about what is bubbling beneath the surface of our growing smiles of excitement. Churches, sewing circles, lunch-ins, hunting clubs, government officials, schools, community organizations, other ministries, local businesses, and every person in this town; we want to tell you our story!

First, go explore our website.(
Second, go "like" Bricks on FB.
Third, schedule a time for us to come and tell this DELICIOUS story of hope!

I've been chewing on this passage a lot as my heart is processing what God is doing here in our community:

"We will replace the broken bricks of ruin with smooth stones" Isaiah 9:10

Our God is ALWAYS at work. Our God is always pursuing a people to call His own. Our God is in the business of redeeming broken lives, repaving painful roads, refining a people for Himself and replacing ruin with real hope.

Wait are you waiting for?
Call a sista and schedule a meeting!
Share this link!
Like our page!
Tell your friends at Leonards!

(For the Bricks Family)

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