Wednesday, March 21, 2012

goodnight moon!

"Goodnight room
goodnight moon
goodnight cow jumping over the moon
goodnight light and the red balloon"

run down of day 2.

the kiddos had a babysitter yesterday morning/afternoon so i was not going to torture sweet kelly by making her put anderson down for a nap, instead i let them watch a video during rest time.... anderson passed out on his bean bag :) i thought this might cause complications again at bed time, but mark and his magic touch had anderson asleep in five minutes flat.... AND ANDERSON SLEPT ALL NIGHT!

yesterday, he asked for the pacifier throughout the day, but we just kept telling him they made a trip to the moon. unfortunately, anderson had his first encounter with a "boy" injury and sobbed for his pacifier :(

i know better than to think the process is over, but i am SO grateful that he was able to make it all night.

thank you for all your supportive texts, calls, voice mails, emails, etc.. it really does take a village of people to raise these creatures we call children :)

happy wednesday,

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